Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day in Australia

Well I'll be honest...I've never really been the political type. When I decided to come to Australia I was actually pretty happy about the fact that I would be missing out on campaign season. It really drives me crazy. But even in Australia it was unavoidable. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy about the fact that I have the right to vote and was excited that this was the first presidential election I was able to participate in. Voting from Australia was actually pretty easy. All I had to do was go online and request and absentee ballot. I was able to scan the completed ballot and email it back. So easy! Throughout the semester many people have asked me about the presidential election and my views on it. It made me realize how much of an impact the election has not only on America but on the rest of the world as well. Even though my Facebook news feed was polluted with news from the election I still felt the need  to watch the coverage. I was able to stream live coverage of the election results online. Yahoo! Australia streamed NBC's coverage for the most part but about every 10 minutes or so it would cut to Australian commentary which discussed what this election meant for Australia. Being in a different country for the election was an interesting and unique experience to say the least!
Until next time,

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